ALEKSANDAR ACEV – Lucy was not so long ago

In his performance, Lucy was not so long ago, Aleksandar Acev deals with the origin and development of human body expression over millions of years. As the beginning of the story, he takes the remains of the bones of the so-called Lucy, a legendary skeleton that still serves as the oldest evidence of human bipedalism. The human walk, as one of the most decisive events of human evolution, has acquired an unlimited number of variations and nuances after several million years of practice. What are the reasons for these innumerable ambiguities and the way a person stands or walks, how do bodily gestures develop and turn into rich interpersonal communication, what survival motivations caused the development of the anatomy of hands, feet, and fingers, on what elements is the authenticity of personal body language on stage or in everyday life based on? At the intersection of evolution, anatomy, everyday functioning and theatre, Aleksandar Acev tries to provide answers to elementary questions about the genesis of human bodily expression and communication through practical demonstrations and verbal explanations.

Text, Direction, Music Selection, and Performance: Aleksandar Acev
Lighting, Costume, Assistant Director: Gaia Giancaspro
Voice Coach: Christiane Hommelsheim

Aleksandar Acev is a mime, choreographer, and a professor of physical theatre. After his education in Amsterdam, Berlin, Los Angeles and Zagreb, he worked as a performer and a lecturer at numerous institutions and projects all around Europe. He is currently teaching at the Private University Anton Bruckner in Linz and at the University for Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. He worked with many renowned Croatian dance, mime and theatre artists and created many international artistic and teaching projects in over twenty countries. He is currently living and working in Berlin, Vienna, and Linz.

Sunday, 25.08.2024